know more than you say

Taking Up Space

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Personal News

The big news is that I have completed all of the coursework for the Master of Theology degree at Dallas Seminary (thanks to all of you who have prayed for me). The Th.M. is, as far as I know, the most massive (120 hours) Master's degree there is. I think I may have broken the record (previously held by my dad) for most years of successful post-secondary matriculation without earning a doctorate. Even though I've finished all the classes, there is one big project left, the dreaded thesis. Whenever I mention this, people ask, "What's your thesis about?" so I'll tell you. "An Application of Polanyian Epistemology to Contemporary Evangelical Spirituality." That'll teach you to ask people what their Master's thesis is about.

Besides my thesis, I'm also working on finding a job. Please pray about this. I would really like to live in Nashville, so that I could be involved at CBC. On the other hand, the work I'm really trained to do is likely to be at a church, so I can't really set any geographic limits. I do have a MBA degree also, so theoretically, I could work in various management roles in secular business. I'm also looking at teaching jobs and parachurch administrative jobs. I've applied for the Executive Director position at a ministry called the Veritas Forum. I would love to do this job. To begin with, it would be in the Boston area, but theoretically could be done from anywhere.

Unless I end up taking a job somewhere else in the meantime, my current plan is to move back to Nashville the last week of June. This will come as a surprise to many of you whom I've told that I would be moving at the end of May. Well, I got an opportunity to teach another class at the North Texas Professional Career Institute. I taught Pharmaceutical Math (really!) there in the fall semester. This time it's Introduction to Computer Technology. Anyway, that has delayed my departure. When I do return to Nashville, I will be looking for someplace to live. So if you know of anyone who needs a roommate or has a spare room, please let me know.


hey thanks for teaching me how to spell ockham. I just wrote a letter to my Bishop the other day and couldn't resist making reference to the razor, but had to ask forgiveness on what I was certain I had misspelled. Good luck on the thesis. If you get blocked, just write "blablabla"

By Blogger JERKJ, at 12:58 AM  

Ockham is also frequently spelled Occam. Your choice.

By Blogger ds, at 10:06 AM  

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